January 22, 2007 at 3:38 am (Uncategorized)

Congratulations to the Bears. Grant and Chris must be thrilled. Also congrats to the Colts. What a clooosssseeee game that was. Sorry that the Patriots didn’t win, Jen and Anne.

This post is for Grant and Chris. Now stop bothering me. You don’t know the risks I’m taking by posting this. We are surrounded by the Mob over here in the Philly/Jersey area and it could get messy.


  1. mixednut said,

    I really want the Bears to win, but it looks like N.O. better get the flu.

  2. Anonymous said,

    Sellout. I didn’t know you could be bought.

    Eagle Fan

  3. teri said,

    Eagle Fan, believe me, my heart’s not into the Bears but I figured to get those two off my back and stop posting about the bears I had to do something…..: )

  4. Amy said,

    I agree… GO BEARS!

    And congrats on your house, Teri!

  5. catacuracha said,

    I have NO footbal knowledge at all.

    I want interior pics of you new house please.

  6. Jen said,


    go PATS!!!

  7. Chris said,

    I will try to restrain myself.

    GO BEARS!!!!

    Oops, that one slipped…

  8. Sunshine said,

    Go Bears!
    I may have to see if I still know the Superbowl Shuffle.

  9. Scarlet said,

    Ravens out. Grrrrr!!!

    Go BEARS.

    P.S. Holiday pics are up…
    (shameless blog plug)

  10. Grant Miller said,

    Thank you for posting that. Do you know any of the moves to the “Super Bowl Shuffle?”

  11. Dick Small said,

    I want a new post.

  12. teri said,

    Dick – quoting a very famous lady, my mother, “how does it feel to want”. Really, these were always her exact words.

    I’m busy, you’ll have a new post on Monday. Promise.

  13. Dick Small said,


  14. N said,

    F*** the Bears!!!

    Go Colts! How could anyone NOT want Peyton Manning to get his ring???

    But serisouly, Teri, this is the only post you are allowed to write about any team other than the Eagles. If it happens again, I won’t come back. Ever.

  15. teri said,

    Believe me, N, there will be no other teams mentioned other than the Philly teams. Sometimes you just have appease some of your readers though and since the Eagles weren’t in the race at that point, I figured it couldn’t hurt.

  16. Lynda said,

    We are surrounded by the Colts.

  17. Freak Magnet said,

    As a Baltimorian, I hope the Colts get their asses handed to them.

    GO BEARS!!!

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