What a week…………..

April 26, 2007 at 11:00 pm (Uncategorized)

We are changing the software we use for our timesheets and billing at work. These are two different software packages but talk to each other when finance runs their weekly/monthly processes. We are changing to Oracle for both processes and the “talking” between the two won’t be an issue anymore and the processes should be easier to handle.

Out of the roughly 40 Admins in my office, I’m one of five that are going through extensive training this whole week. In the end, the five of us will be training the rest of the Admin staff. Some only need to know timesheets and some need to know the billing aspect since they do billing as well as the timesheets. We “go live” after June 18. After that, the five of us will be on hand to answer questions anyone has about the system, which I’m sure will be many. Luckily OR unluckily the only folks who will know all of Oracle will be the Admins. The rest of the “professional” staff will not have access to the software, except for timesheets. They will also have a “go to” team of professionals to help answer questions for us as well as the questions the consultants and other staff members have, so we’ll have a pretty good support team in place for this huge change. They also don’t want us to take vacation for pretty much the whole summer. I hope that thought process changes.

I also have one more Sociology class left and need to do a bunch of stuff for that. My father also wants to see me sometime between May 16 and 20th as he will be in D.C. for whatever reason.

I honestly can’t wait for all the craziness to die down so I can breath. I’m unfortunately one of those people that if they have five things on their mind, even though they don’t have to be done at the same time, the brain gets all jumbled and overwhelmed. Is anyone else like this? I feel like I can’t function if I think of all the items at one time. I need to put everything on a calendar and just cross it off as it passes.

As a silly side note, I found out that I have a lilac tree in my backyard. I almost did a happy dance when I found this out. Ah, the lovely smells that will be hanging around the backyard this summer…………….


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