Christmas Cards

November 30, 2007 at 11:07 pm (Uncategorized)

I’m “borrowing” this idea from some of my blogger peeps. Who would like a lovely Christmas card from Teri? Anyone?

It might be worth millions of dollars some day? If you don’t get one you might regret it!?

If you would like an autographed card from your favorite blogger, Teri, please email me.


  1. mixednut said,

    *raising hand*
    ooh, ooh ooh ooh,

  2. Nobody™ said,

    Damn, I was going to say exactly what Mixednut said!

    I’ll be emailing!

  3. Sushiboy said,

    Sounds Great, I can’t wait!

  4. Lori said,

    Pretty, Teri!

  5. Just Dave said,

    What Mr. Nut said.

  6. Teri said,

    Thanks, Lori. It’s amazing what you can pull off the internet.

    Anything for you, Dave. my email’s is on my profile page.

  7. Marni said,

    I want one, too! I’ll try to remember and email you tonight…

  8. SkylersDad said,

    Waving excitedly from behind my desk in the back row!!!

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