Band snubbing

September 15, 2008 at 1:45 pm (misc music)

I’ve noticed lately that people have been making fun of Coldplay and The Dave Matthews Band.  What’s up with that?  I like both bands, not my favorites but I enjoy some of their songs.  Are they nerdy?  Not hip, anymore?  What?  What’s the deal?


  1. Catherinette said,

    I’ll tell you the deal: they’re both over rated.

  2. Teri said,

    Thanks, Cath, mystery solved. I can always count on you to solve life’s mysteries.

  3. Dr Zibbs said,

    Cold Play is gay

  4. Philly said,

    I thought you were ok also,,,guess we are wrong


  5. skylers dad said,

    Neither have enough cowbell.

  6. SushiBoy said,

    Who cares what anyone says, don’t listen to them. Take that time to listen to the music you like instead.

  7. Trukindog said,

    DMB is ok but I have no idea who or what this coldplay is.

  8. Libragirl said,

    Coldplay just sucks. DMB used to be good, then they began to believe the hype about themselves and now they are not good and yes Coldplay is a band that most gay men like.

  9. Lori said,

    I think they’re considered too mainstream. I don’t have a problem with either of them, but I don’t particularly seek out their music, either. Lots of people have problems with my favorites, Foo Fighters, for the same reason.

    The thing is that lots of these bands are popular–meaning they have many fans–and therefore become uncool. Apparently one must have indie taste in music these days to be considered cool. That means that you have to claim to listen to bands that no one else has ever heard of.

    I have no tolerance for elitist snobs in music. Hmph.

  10. metalmom said,

    Don’t make me start a list!

    Son1 (who insists that he’s not gay) listens to both of them.

    So does my grandmother.

  11. Teri said,

    metalmom, that’s funny. Now, why would you have to be gay to listen to either? I guess this gives your son and his great grandmother more “common areas” to discuss? ; )

  12. Cinnkitty said,

    I’m nerdy, not hip or cool.. so I can’t help. 🙂

  13. Mel said,

    I love me some coldplay i dont care if they are unhip.

  14. cheer34 said,

    I like both bands…….DMB will always be in style…….Coldplay not so sure about but I still enjoy the music……….

  15. anne said,

    coldplay rings whiny to me. i don’t like whiners. am i whining? probably.

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