Mischief night antics

October 30, 2008 at 8:50 pm (holidays, neighbors)

As I was taking my nightly walk, through the few streets in my neighborhood, I noticed a large group of kids, between the ages of about 8-10.  As I walked closer, they crossed the street and promptly started to toilet paper a house.  They were the loudest group of mischief makers I’ve ever heard.  As I drew closer, I thought to myself “are they by themselves or is an adult with them”?  I noticed one to two adults with the group.  I thought it was hysterical that this group of kids was making mischief, with an adult, for supervision.  As I continued down the street, I noticed bits of toilet paper littering the sidewalk and occasional front yard.  The next street I went down there were more houses that were doused with toilet paper.  This time I wondered, “do the kids know the people at these houses or are they random”?  It was really funny hearing them making tons of noise one street over and as I continued down the block, to see various houses with toilet paper hanging off bushes, on the sidewalk and front porches.  I don’t know how the homeowners didn’t notice this group of kids.  I’m telling you, they were the noisiest bunch of rugrats I’ve ever heard.

I thought it was great that they were having such a great time at their mischief but they were doing no harm.

What’s going on in your neighborhood?

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